Tuesday, January 18, 2011

An Open Window

Today it's raining.

I never thought I liked rain.

Until it showed up and wasn't snow.

And until it showed up to wash all the dirty snow and ice away.

Today, I am thankful for the rain.

And as much as I don't want to talk about it, I have to thank all of you who have listened to me whine about my silly little problem.

First, and most importantly, Little Man is not even aware of the problem, so really there is no problem.  Yet.

Secondly, I am no longer the emotional cloud of massive destruction that I was on Sunday.  Techy and I banded together, made a ton of phone calls and some quick decisions.

Thirdly, I have peace.  We haven't fully come to a decision, but I am starting to see what I always look for - God's hand.  I can see what He is doing and I can see that it is good. 

Painful in the short term, but wonderful in the long term. 

And I can be thankful for it, even if I still ask why.

Today, even with the cold wind and rain outside, I am thankful for an open window that lets in fresh air.

(Don't worry if you don't get the metaphor, I am not sure I get it either, but doesn't it sound philosophical???)

In the meantime, I was reading through my daily blog list, and it just so happens that Centsational Girl's post is about books she is reading

One of the books she mentions is entitled "Bittersweet" by Shauna Niequist.  Interesting.

The tag line under the title is "thoughts on change, grace, and learning the hard way".  Hmmm.  Familiar.

And then CG goes and gives a quote from the book -

“Change is good in a way that childbirth is good, heartbreak is good and failure is good . . . it can push us, pull us, rebuke us and remake us. . . it is a function of God’s graciousness not life’s cruelty.”

Ya'll don't even need to read her post today.  K?  Cause it's just for me. 

No, really.  It's a God thing. 

He's talking to me through CG. 

I know, I know. 

We were all expecting a burning bush, right?

Instead it's a design blogger via Google Reader.

Who needs a burning bush, anyhow?! 

It's much too cold to be taking off my shoes today!

But I can think of no better way to term these feelings. 



P.S. For the record, Pioneer Woman is also speaking to me today via her post on Sonic.  It should however be noted that she is speaking to my STOMACH and not my SOUL.

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