Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Black Hole of Books

So...I am at quite the impasse.

Having read the Hunger Games series through 2x in the last month...

And having just finished The Host...

I have no idea what to read next.

And since I am saving all my Swagbucks to buy a certain someone a very special birthday gift, I dare not waste any of my Amazon moolah on books.

Which is so sad.

But in the interim, I am reading some of the books that I downloaded for free thanks to Amazon and my Kindle app.

And let me tell you what I have learned....

Ready for this?

Good books are HARD TO COME BY.

I know.

It's pretty earth shattering.

Like the realization that Kermit and Piggy can't really procreate.

Despite all the smoke and mirrors that Jim Henson blew at us with A Muppet Christmas Carol...

Or the awareness that the Easter Bunny doesn't hop around delivering eggs and chocolate goodies....

Pretty devastating.

I'm at a loss.

A total loss.

Of course, I realize now that there is a reason why my current books were free....

They are total crap.

Predictable storylines.

Boring characters.

I have no idea where to go from here.

Nothing on the best seller list is even coming close to piquing my interest.

But mostly because I doing what they always tell you not to do...

I am judging books by their covers.

Someone help me!!!!

The problem is I have become a book snob.

A flurry of good books and I have become spoiled to exciting storylines, admirable characters, and sweaty-palm-inducing romance.

This so must be how people felt after reading Shakespeare.

You know, before he added all the unhappy endings.


ceejus said...

Ughhh I knowwwww!! I asked my mom for good books when we were up there this weekend, and she gave me 2, like, informational type things. Like historyish? Or something? Definitely not novels, and definitely nothing that can come close to Katniss. I'm ruined. I might go back and read the His Dark Materials trilogy which I LOVED back in the day and I haven't read in forever. Also, Wicked. Have you read it? I loves.

ceejus said...

YES and it has a sweet map in the front cover! Which makes me automatically love books. Because I'm shallow sometimes.

The story is WAY different than the play, though. Fair warning. I read the book first and then was kind of annoyed at the play, but I guess there really wasn't any other way to make the storyline lighthearted enough for a musical.

I can't remember whether I have it, or if I've loaned it to someone, but I SHOULD be able to loan it to you. If paper books aren't too lame for your hardcore iPad reading self. ALSO your Insanity DVDs will be in the mail. We ran out of time this weekend. Oops...

Unknown said...

Winter Garden...Kristin Hannah...
I will pester you until you read it...

Creepy though that I was just thinking to myself a couple days ago that the free kindle books are free for a reason LOL

tarynddavidson said...

Assuming you have read "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers? but you know what "assuming" does.

i read "angus thongs and full frontal snogging"... ok yes the movie sucked, but the book is funny and completely made for teenagers but it's so cute. a good read and a good laugh.

also... have you read "God Loves Ugly" by Christa Black? MUST READ!