Thursday, March 25, 2010

The beat goes on...

Workout update

Day 3 of work out resolution has commenced. I have been walking everyday this week and most days last week. (About 35 minutes/2.7 miles at the park) I did my concentrated workout (Slim in 6) on Tuesday and today. It’s only the beginner level, but it’s a 25 minute total body workout, and I don’t remember being this sore since the “Sweat N Chisel” class I was taking back in 2006…. The road to recovery is a very long road.

Last year when I stopped doing my hard core work outs, I was running 6 miles a day 5 days a week. (I did that until I was 6 weeks pregnant, and then morning sickness hit so hard that I couldn’t function. I was so sick during my first trimester that working out was pretty much impossible. I started walking during my lunch break when I hit 12 or 13 weeks and the constant nausea died down and continued walking 3 miles a day 3 days a week until Little Man arrived.) But it had taken me a long, long time to get to that point.

For now, I am going to enjoy the fact that I have 25 minutes to myself in the mornings to fit the workout in. In a few weeks, I am going to have to carve out 45 minutes for my workout and then the week after that is 60 minutes…. Most of my mom friends are back to running and planning to do a race sometime soon. I obviously won’t be able to train in time for this race, but I think come summer, I am going to start training for a 5 or 10k, as suggested yesterday. One of my girlfriends has been training for a 10k, and I think if I sweet talk her, I may be able to convince her to do one with me sometime this summer. Maybe I will even be able to talk some of my mom friends into joining in with us….

Baby update

Little Man is growing up! We weighed him the other night and he is weighing in at just over 14 lbs. which is almost double his birth weight. He hit the 12 week growth spurt a little early – last Thursday to be exact. It lasted about 2 days and then magically it was over. Since then, strange things have been happening. I started to notice that in the morning when I would try to feed him his first bottle, he didn’t really seem that into it. He wasn’t as hungry as he used to be. And during his dreamfeed (so named for the late night feeding during which most babies sleep while eating) that Techy has been feeding him at 10:30 pm, he was only taking about half the bottle. I had been feeding him 3 bottles in the evening to try to get him to sleep longer at night, but we decided to drop the dreamfeed last night. In turn, I expected him to be RAVENOUS this morning, but after 30 minutes of trying to feed him his 7 am bottle, he had only eaten 1 oz. I have no idea what’s going on. I have to venture over to the pro’s blog and try to figure it out.

Other stuff

The trees are blooming, flowers are growing, birds are singing and I am boycotting real shoes in favor of flip flops. I hate real shoes….

Tomorrow, I am venturing out to the grand and glorious DMV to renew my driver’s license. Lucky for me ALL 4 of Delaware’s DMV’s are being renovated and their website was kind enough to tell me what I can expect when I arrive. You have to check out Delaware’s amazing advances in technology as seen here. (Be sure to click each location’s link)

Isn’t that awesome?! A PDF with one sentence about where you can expect to be delayed due to their construction. I don’t know…what were you expecting? I was expecting maybe a newsletter with a diagram of the construction and before pictures with a sketch of the expected after, And maybe a “We are expecting to complete the construction by …” I love Delaware!

Speaking of Delaware and construction. Nevermind…I will save that for another day.

TTFN…Ta Ta For Now!

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