Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Inner Monologue of a Bladder Abused Mommy

I really need to drink my water today.

I think I'll stop and grab one of those Goliath sized McDonalds cups.

Maybe I shouldn't.

Nah, I'll be fine.

I'll be home in plenty of time.



Chug, chug, chug, chug.

Little Man: Mommy, I gotta go potty.

Hmmm, me too.

It's ok, just a few more errands.

I can make it.




Wiggle wiggle wiggle. No.

My bladder is really to weak for this.

Do I have any diapers with me?

Why am I soooooooo far away from home?

If I were wearing a diaper would I actually be willing to go in it?

What is wrong with me?!

Oh, right, 2 babies....

Speaking of babies, did I bring any diapers?

How desperate would you have to be to pee in a diaper?





Why did I think it was a good idea to run errands today?

I would stop somewhere, but I'd probably never make it with trying to get my kids out of the car...

Stupid McDonalds.

I'm too young to buy poise pads right?


How far are we from home?

2 miles?

Can I make it 2 miles?

This is just sad.

I should know better than this.

I'm so thirsty.


Finally. Home.

Why is my driveway so bumpy?

Soooooooo close...


-People. This happens far too often for my comfort.


The Foliage said...

What about stopping somewhere on the way home?

Unknown said...

Haha. And have to get both kids out of the car? Nope. I'd never make it.

Lisa Hewlett said...

Just found your blog (i'm online friends with Amber and Taryn). You're definitely inspring me to keep going. I've been on a YEAR LONG plateau for weight loss after losing 25 lbs, and i'm training for a half marathon. Just followed you on IG (lisahewlett). Thanks!