Friday, September 9, 2011

Weekly Weigh-In: Pregnancy Edition #2

Anyone other than me wondering what the status of this pregnancy is?

To be honest, I was terrified of the scale this morning, since I have had a WRETCHED week foodwise.

And most especially since SOMEONE wanted Ravioli at 9:30 last night.

I won't mention any names, but only because I don't know who's in there yet....

But for the sake of my sanity, let's recap, ok?

Last weigh in was 2 weeks ago.

I was 15.5 weeks pregnant at the time and I had gained 14.2 lbs.

Today, I am 17.5 weeks pregnant and....

Duh duh duh...

I am weighing in at 154.


Meaning I have gained a total of 15.6 lbs.

Still under my 1 lb. per week goal.

Let's see how long I can hang on to that.

Especially with the pending move and I'm sure at least a week or two of fast food during the adjustment.


For today, I am satisfied AND relieved.

154 works for this momma!

1 comment:

BumbersBumblings said...

Yipee--that's great! You are doing awesome, especially with all the added stress of moving! So proud of you!