Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Engaged and Overstimulated...Geez these mommy terms are eating away at my cerebral cortex

Wow, whatta weekend. I’m beat. Techy and I are always on the go. I feel like all we ever do is run, run, run. Rarely, if ever, do we get days off to just sit on our duffs and do nothing. And life after baby means even less down time. (Although, feeding him always gives me at least 20 minutes to sit and watch tv.) Even typing about it makes me tired.
Suffice it to say that it was made up of way too much running and way too little rest, topped off with an amazing engagement party and a giant Memorial Day Bash.

I don’t know how you feel about engagement parties, but I LOVE every excuse to have a party or go to a party and see people that I usually only see in passing. I also love to people watch and chit chat with people that I don’t know. Combine that with grilled shrimp straight of the barb-y, and man, that’s my kind of party. Mix in a little beautiful summertime weather, lights in the trees, and all natural fruit spritzers – I was in heaven.

It was in my girlfriend’s backyard. And it was magical. I thought the setting was perfect when we first arrived. Then the sun went down. Oh, man. The little lights in the trees, the candles scattered around the yard, the little tables and folding chairs. Perfection. I could have stayed there all night. I’m sure they would have loved that….

Note to self: we NEED little lights strung through our trees as soon as possible.

And I can’t even get into the Memorial Day party without needing a nap.

So, on that note…

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