Monday, October 25, 2010

A Story of Chocolate, Zombies & a Comet Slush

This weekend, Techy and I hit the road sans Little Man and headed up to the land o' Chocolate - a.k.a. Hershey, PA for some R&R.  Also known as Restaurants and Recreation.  Because Rest and Relaxation were nowhere on our list! 

Highlights of our trip were as follows:

1 GIANT crab pretzel.

1 Sleepless night due to fluffy pillows.
1 2.5 mile treadmill run. (P.s. I hate running on treadmills!)
1 Free ride at Hershey's Chocolate World - very reminiscent of a Disney ride with the singing cows

2 Free Hershey Kisses - The only chocolate I actually had while there.
1 Lunch at "Parkside" also known as "The Best Food in Town"
1 Trip to the most interesting bathroom ever.
5 Roller Coasters ridden at Hershey Park.
5 REALLY LONG lines to ride said roller coasters (for the off-season).
1 All-day craving for a "Comet Slush" - aka a Slurpee.
1 Very confused Leah from the most confusing amusement park map EVER.

2 Amazing friends who put up with us the entire day. 
 1 Person (who will remain anonymous) amazingly terrified of those dressed as zombies.
2 Bazillion kids in costume.
1 Dinner at the most adorable diner in the world.  Serious cuteness.
1 Cranky Techy trying to navigate very windy roads in the dark. 
What does all that add up to?

A whole lotta laughs. 

Not to mentions a whole lotta tired.

1 comment:

  1. 0 Come(t) Slushes.

    Also "put up" nothing. Like going to an amusement park and eating THE BEST FOOD IN TOWN is a chore.
